Sunday, March 15, 2015

fs episode 5 (build me up)

Learning Assessment Strategies
Field Study
                                                                      BUILD ME UP

Name of FS Student:    Mary Joy F. Navarro

Course:      Bachelor of Secondary Education      
Resource Teacher:  Federico Nacino    
Cooperating School:  Isabela National High School     


My Target
            At the end of this activity, you will be skilful in designing product-oriented performance assessment.

Your Task
            Design a product-oriented performance assessment by going through the process through the following steps:
1.       Visit a class and identify product-oriented activities.
2.       Choose one product-oriented activity and study the process.
3.       Design a performance assessment plan for the product-oriented activity you have chosen.
4.       Develop a portfolio of your assessment plan.
5.       Reflect on your experience.


Name of the School Observed: Isabela National High School     
School Address: Claravall St. San Vicente City of Ilagan,Isabela
Date Visited: March 03,10, 2015
Grade/Year Level:9- Patience
Subject Area: Electronics

Describe in bullets the product-oriented activity you observe.

Image result for clipart of students performance

 ·         In this activity the students will now use their knowledge in the series and parallel circuit.

·        The students with their groups will produce their own diagram using series and parallel circuit.

·        With the diagram they have produce they will build a small house using any recycled materials they want.

·        After building a house they should put some lights on it using the diagram they have made.

·        After the project has done they will explain their work in front of their classmates.

·        The project made by the students will be graded according to their work, the effectiveness and the explanation of the group.


Learning Objectives:

·        To build a small house using any recycled materials andput some lights on it using the diagram of series and parallel circuit.

·        Promote socialization and active participation within the students.

General Product-oriented performance Task:
·         To build a small house using the diagram of series and parallel circuit.

Target Skills:
·        To develop the creativity of the students.

·        To enhance their knowledge in using the series and parallel circuit.

Learning Activities (Specific tasks):
·        The learning activity that the students must accomplish is to build a small house with series and parallel circuit.

·        The layout of the final product must be presentable, organize and well explained.

Assessment Tasks:
The making of the product will be evaluated through the following criteria:

1 (Poor)


Name of the School Observed: Isabela National High School
School Address:Claravall St. San Vicente City of Ilagan, Isabela
Date Visited: March 03,10, 2015
Grade/Year Level:  9- Patience
Subject Area:  Electronics

What are the best features of my product-oriented performance assessment design?

  The best feature of my product-oriented performance assessment design is that the activity of the students is align in the teachers learning objective and target. The activity is not only to enhance the students mind in learning the subject but they are being enhance with their skills.

What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of my product-oriented performance assessment design?

The specific conditions that are necessary for a successful use of my product oriented performance assessment design is that the teacher should have his specific objective on why he is teaching his lesson. The learning objectives should be known by the students.
               In giving such activity to the students the teacher should discuss his topic well and give the student a clear and understandable instructions and directions so that the students will know what are their specific task to do.

What basic points should the user of this design consider?

  The basic points to consider in this design is the materials to be needed in the activity. The  teacher should check the materials of his students so that they will determine if they miss something. 
              The teacher should give attention and guidance to his students so that they will not be misled on the activity that they are doing. And considering also the differences of the students in their acquired skill.

1.       Do you think your originally design product-oriented performance assessment can appropriately assess the teacher’s learning objective? Why? Why not?
Yes, because the instruction was explain clearly and the procedures are discussed thoroughly.
As a teacher we should have our objectives in teaching our subjects, and this objective should be discussed to the students so that they know what their specific tasks to be obtained are. Teacher should always remember that a learning target should know and can do, and the criteria for judging students’ performance. As a teacher also you need to determine if the targets or objective you have are at the right level of difficulty to motivate the students.

2.       Why do teachers need to give attention to the students’ product-oriented tasks? Why do they need to assess them?
Product oriented task  needed more attention of the teacher because we provide realistic contexts that can make problems more engaging for students, and it will help us evaluate whether our students understand the given lesson and instructions. Students should be given attention in this task because this requires students to employ multiple levels of behaviour from the cognitive, motor and from the other domains. As a learning target, each product needs to be clearly described in some detail so that there is no misunderstanding, about what students are required to do.

3.       In what conditions can the product-oriented performance assessment be need more appropriately?

In using the product-oriented performance task the product-oriented method should be justifiable match for the targeted content, behaviours and conditions in the domain. The directions must be clearly define the product expected of students. And in scoring our students we must accompany it with set of rubrics. In this assessment we should involve direct examination of our students’ ability to use their knowledge that is likened to what is encountered in real-life setting. In this assessment you should let your students lean by themselves and let them expressed their self and the ability or skills they have.

Write your reflection of thoughts, feelings, personal learning strategies, insights or new understanding from your experience in using authentic assessment. Then share your reflection with your FS teacher and classmates. Also draw some insights from your classmates’ sharing.
After answering all the questions in this field study I realized that as a future teacher we should be more observant and give more attention to our pupils/students because all of them have a different characteristics and capabilities that we should enhance through the use of different methods, strategies and assessment tools. Also, after answering this field study I understand how a teacher should be in dealing his/her pupils. And through this I have learned many things that I can use when I am already in the field of teaching. That in giving assessment is a task that we need to think and examine carefully and we should based it on the learners and the learning objectives for it to be successfully done.

            After answering all the questions in this field study I have realized the importance of assessing the students appropriately. In assessing our students we should give them the attention they need because we are dealing with different students with different characteristics and skills. As a teacher we should give or provide equal opportunities to our students in learning. As a teacher we should require our students to do some performance or project for them to be able to express their self and enhance the skills they have. And also after answering this field study I understand how the teacher affect each of the students and how to deal with our students properly and effectively, with the use of different methods, strategies and assessment tools we will be able to examine our students well.
            A good teacher engage his students to more authentic or real-life learning because I believed that “ experienced is the best teacher”.

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