Sunday, February 1, 2015

Episode 3: Log Me


      Name of FS Student:    Mary Joy . Navarro

      Course:                         Bachelor of Secondary Education
      Resource Teacher:       Mr. Federico Nacino

      Cooperating School:      Isabela National High School


My Target

            At the end of this activity, you will be informed on the principles of authentic assessment and its usefulness in the classroom.

My Task   

       Authentic assessment is an alternative way of assessing students’ learning to be able to use it, you must have a deep understanding of it. To help you reach your goal, do the following task:
1.       Visit a classroom and interview the teacher on his/her experiences in using authentic assessment.
2.       Describe how the teacher uses the authentic assessment.
3.       Write a reflective journal on the activity.

 My Tools
            For this learning activity, please document the information gathered from the interview with the teacher on authentic assessment. Write your documentation using the activity form provided for you.



   Authentic assessment is important because this engage the process of learning of the students. In authentic assessment we are preparing our students to use their skills for the future use. In authentic assessment we are checking the performance of each students and the work or project that they have done. Working on authentic tasks is useful, engaging activity in itself; it becomes an “Episode of Learning” for the students. Teaching to such tasks guarantees that we are concentrating on worthwhile skills and strategies. Students are learning and practicing how to apply important knowledge and skills for authentic purposes. The student should not simply recall information, they should apply what they know to new tasks. Performance assessment is a term that is commonly used in place of authentic assessment. Performance assessment requires student to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and strategies by creating a response or a product.


  •      What is Authentic Assessment?

               Authentic assessment refers to assessment that resembles reading and writing in the real world and in school (Hiebert, Valencia & Afflerbach, 1994; Wiggins, 1993). Authentic assessment values the thinking behind work, the process, as much as the finished products (Pearson & Valencia,1987; Wolf, 1989). In authentic assessment teachers not just want the students to know the content of the disciplines when they finished the lesson, they also want the students able to use the acquired knowledge and skills in the real world. In a simple word authentic assessment emphasizes the practical application of the task in real world setting.
Authenticity is providing realistic activities engaging students to learn something and for the betterment of their understanding. Authentic assessment helps in the production of the learning ability of each student. In my own simple word, authentic assessment is a meaningful learning process.

  •            How was authentic assessment used? Was it used to measure learning through the product?

Authentic assessment was used to assess many different kinds of literacy abilities in 
context that closely resemble actual situations in which different abilities are used by the
 students. In other words, students learn how to apply their skills to authentic tasks and
 projects. Authentic assessment focuses on students analytical skills, ability to integrate 
what they have learn, creativity, ability to work cooperatively, and written and oral 
expression skills. It values the learning process but much in the finished product. 
For example, authentic assessment asks students to read real text, to write for authentic
 purposes about journals, writing letters, and revising a piece of writing until it works 
for the reader.


  • What are your insights and feelings about the use of authentic assessment?

For me the use of authentic assessment is helpful for the students, because I believe in the saying that “experience is the best teacher”. With the help of this assessment strategy the students will be more efficient in doing such thing. Authentic assessment also helps to boost the self-confident of each student to do such activity, it also helps them to know the skills they have and improve it. With the help of authentic assessment the students will be able to understand better the lesson and it helps them also to become a creative thinkers.

  • Describe how the teacher used the authentic assessment?

The teacher used authentic assessment by giving students some activities and project that is based on their lesson. The teacher also let the student perform in the class to see if they have learned something. The activities or projects made by the student help them better understand the lesson, and help the teacher know if the student really understand what have been taught to them. With this assessment the student will have opportunity to explore learning, discover how they acquire learning to the most and try out different approaches to solving problems,work independently to determine the relevance of what they are learning in their lives.

  • How did you feel about the teacher’s experience in the use of authentic assessment?

. I can say that authentic assessment was quite effective in the learning process of each student. Authentic assessment helps the teacher to make the student better understand the lesson. Authentic assessment contributes a lot in learning, it helps the student be more expressive, and it helps them to know their own capabilities and skills. Authentic assessment also helps the teacher to identify those students who really understand the lesson and not. In simple word authentic assessment is sometimes the basis of the teacher.

  • What could be the gains of the students and teachers in using authentic assessment?

In authentic assessment,real life learning from the learners perspective is often playful, recursive and non-linear,engaging, self-directed and meaningful.School learning experiences should prepare learners to be knowledge producers,knowledge users,and socially responsible citizen. And it is assumed that these are enough reason to prove that authenticity is performance-based tasks is of great significance, in learning. Providing realistic context can make problems more engaging for students,and help the teacher evaluatewhether a student who can solve a problem in one context can solve it in another. Hence, it is desirable to increase the authentic of tasks to whatever extent possible.

  • Which part of the teacher’s use of authentic assessment do you feel like improving or revising?

In authentic assessment teachers should not only know the subject matter they are teaching, they also need to understand their students’ individual differences. For me I don’t need to improve or revise how my cooperating teacher used the authentic assessment, because teachers have their own strategies on how to make their students learn, and in the way he teach I can say that his assessment strategy is effective because you can see the improvement in the part of the students. Every teacher has different approach on how to prepare their students for the future, and I will respect their own way of doing it. As a teacher we should provide equal opportunity in our students to explore learning, we should let them discover how they will acquire learning, and we should let them work independently to determine the relevance of what they are learning and improve their hidden skills.

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