Monday, January 5, 2015

Episode 1: My Assessment List

EPISODE 1: My Assessment List

My Target

            At the end of this activity, you will be competent in identifying and naming different assessment methods used in the classroom.

My Task

·         Observe at least three classes and make a list of the assessment methods used by teachers.
·         In my list, classify assessment methods as to conventional and authentic and alternative.
·         Describe how each assessment method was used, including my personal observations.
·         Confer with my FS teacher for the assessment list.
·         Reflect on my experience.


My Tools

            As you visit schools and observe assessment practices in at least three classes, document your observations using the activity forms provided for you in this reference. For your pen-and-paper test items, customize a table of specification, and prepare the test material based on the prescriptions of the school where you do class observation.


Name of the School Observed :Isabela National High School
School Address: Claravall St. San Vicente City of Ilagan,Isabela
Date Visited: December 01, 2014
Grade/Year Level: Grade 9-Patience
Subject Area: Electronics

(Bulleted description of how the assessment method is used relative to subject matter, levels of learning behaviour, length, etc.)

  •   Oral Question Assessment

   After finishing the lesson or the discussion, the teacher introduce oral recitation in the class to check if the students have listen and understand the lesson that have been discussed to them. The teacher pick for the name of the students to be fair with them then ask a question that they need to answer correctly. Every correct answer that they will give will corresponds a point and will be added to their grade. You can see that some students can answer every question with all of their knowledge that make the teacher know that he have tought them right and well.


Name of the School Observed :Isabela National High School
School Address: Claravall St. San Vicente City of Ilagan,Isabela
Date Visited: December 08, 2014
Grade/Year Level: 4th year Barbery
Subject Area: Foods

(Bulleted description of how the assessment method is used relative to subject matter, levels of learning behaviour, length, etc.)

  • Performance-based Assessment

This assessment method was used by the teacher to the students in their major which is about foods. the students are ask to cook some foods that is based on their lesson. The teacher checks if the students can follow the steps or procedure in cooking, the teacher also looks for the technique that the students have used to produce a better outcome on their product. The artistry of the students to design their project make the lesson more enjoyable and special.


Name of the School Observed :Isabela National High School
School Address: Claravall St. San Vicente City of Ilagan,Isabela
Date Visited: December 15, 2014
Grade/Year Level: Grade 9- Lavander
Subject Area: Wood Working

(Bulleted description of how the assessment method is used relative to subject matter, levels of learning behaviour, length, etc.)

  • Project- based Assessment

       After the teacher have teach the lesson, give the procedure to the students and teach them on how to do it properly he ask them to do a project about their lesson with their groups. You can see that the students help one another for the betterment of their project. They show different strategies and techniques to produce a good outcome on the project that they are doing. Some groups have finished their project earlier than the other groups who are still varnishing their work. 


Name of the School Observed: Isabela National High School 
School Address: Claravall St. San Vicente City of Ilagan, Isabela
Date Visited: December 15, 2014
Grade/Year Level: Grade 9- Patience
Subject Area: Electronics



  •  Performance-base Assessment

  • Oral Question Assessment 

  •  Observation Assessment

  •  Project-based Assessment

 This assessment method used by the teacher is used to require students to develop their skills, be artistic and produce something that is involve in the real world situation. 

 This assessment method is used to check and monitor the understanding of the student. The teacher ask the students some questions about the finished topic that have been discussed.

      In this assessment the teacher observes
the understanding and the progress that is happening to each students. Observation is used also to evaluate the students.

       The teacher is applying this assessment so that you will be able to checked the artistry and production of the students in doing their projects.

1.       Was there a variety of assessment methods used by the teacher? How relevant was/were the assessment method/s used?

  Yes, there were variety of assessment methods use by the teachers. The teacher was making the assessment method very significant to every student. The teachers activity are related to the real world situation so that it is easy for the students to understand the lesson easily. The assessment method was used effectively by the teacher . The teacher used several strategies so that it will help him to used the assessment method efficiently. As a teacher we should always remember that in the learning process of our students we should know the capabilities of our students. 

2.       Do you think the expected students’ learning behaviors indicated in the objectives were properly and appropriately assessed through those assessment methods?

                 There are different ways on how to assess students based on the objectives that have been set . As i observe my cooperating teachers, they are doing their best to achieved the objectives that they have set in their students. With the help of some assessment methods this will help them to discover if they had achieved their objectives. And now i can say that the assessment method that they have used are properly and appropriately align in the objectives that they have set.
                      A good teacher is not only teaching because of the salary that they will receive. A good teacher teach because they have their objectives in their students and they want to touch the lives of every student and make a change that will make their future a better one.

My Reflections:
             As a Bachelor of Secondary Education student we will be a good teacher someday. As a future educator we should have our clear objectives why we are teaching our students. By the use of assessment we can checked if the objectives we have set are achieved. There are different ways on how we can assess our students and this assessment can help us in better teaching process.
                  With the help of assessment we are also able to know if we had teach our students well and how effective teachers we are. In assessing our students its not enough that we only know to put assessment into action. The assessment methods that we will used should be proper and appropriate to the objectives that we have set. As a teacher we should provide fairness in assessing everything that our students have done in our classroom. We all know that the major focus of fair assessment are unbiased and nondiscriminatory,it means that they are not influenced by irrelevant or subjective factors.
                       To have a clear and useful assessment system we need to begin with a clear objectives to be measured first and fulfill our purposes and needs in teaching.